Memelihara exotic Unggas seperti Ayam selasih,Burung Merak,Burung Kuang,Angsa Dan Turkey
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Ringneck Pheasant
Best!!!Best!!! akhirnya dapat jugak cari spesis Ringneck pheasant niee!!! tapi mahal la!!! tapi tak pe. dah minat kan!!! i beli 2 female and 1 male!!! tak sabar nak tunggu dapat baby!!!telor banyak 2x naaa!!!
The Western Crowned Pigeon, also known as the Common Crowned Pigeon or Blue Crowned Pigeon, Goura cristata, is a large, turkey-sized, approximately 75cm long, blue-grey pigeon with blue lacy crests over the head and dark blue mask feathers around its eyes. Both sexes are almost similar but males are often larger than females.
Fantail Pigeon
The Fantail is a popular breed of fancy pigeon.[1] It is characterised by a fan-shaped tail composed of 30 to 40 feathers, abnormally more than most members of the pigeon family, which usually have 12 to 14 feathers.[2] The breed is thought to have originated in India, China or Spain. There are several subvarieties, such as the English Fantail, the Indian Fantail, and the Thai Fantail.
Red Jungle Fowl
Jungle birds are the "original bird" from which all varieties and strains of domesticated chickens arrived based on comments and observations made by Darwin. This type of chicken/fowl is smaller than most common sizes of chickens yet a little bigger than the modern day bantams that are being bred. These birds have one of your best chances of free ranging fowl and avoiding predators.
Barbados Blackbally
Blackbelly sheep of both breeds are able to tolerate heat and exhibit more stamina than most breeds of sheep. They are fleet of foot and in many ways resemble deer. They are "hair sheep," which means they do not grow wool but have coarse hair instead. If raised in cooler climates, they often develop a wool undercoat that they shed in the spring.
White Sultan
White Sultans got their name because they were once favored by the rulers of Turkey. Originated in Southeastern Europe, but bred in Turkey and came to England by way of Istanbul in 1854. Distinct features are head crested feathers, feathered muff, feathered beard, feathered shanks and a fifth toe. Admitted to the American Standard of Perfection in 1874..
German Spitzhauben
The Silver Spangled Spitzhauben chicken also known as Appenzeller Spitzhauben, originated in Switzerland is their national bird. This chicken is very rare to the United States and not yet admitted to the American Standard of Perfection. Noted characteristics are cavernous nostrils, horn type comb and mid size head crest.
Golden Pheasant
The Golden Pheasant or Chinese Pheasant, (Chrysolophus pictus) is a gamebird of the order Galliformes (gallinaceous birds) and the family Phasianidae. It is native to forests in mountainous areas of western China but feral populations have been established in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.
Ringneck Pheasant
Pheasants are seasonal breeders. The roosters begin strutting and breeding displays when the days become longer, usually toward the end of March. Roosters will also fight one another to establish dominance. When raising them in confinement, it is a good idea to have no more than one rooster per eight hens, with ten hens per rooster optimum. Hens will begin laying eggs about the middle of April and continue into June. A single hen should provide about 15 fertile eggs if eggs are collected daily and the hens are not allowed to begin incubation of a nest.
Phoenix Bantam
Silver Duckwing Phoenix Bantam RoostThe Silver Duckwing Phoenix is a long tailed breed of fowl bred in Japan nearly 1000 years ago. Three are past records of this breed producing tails on the males that exceed twenty feet. This breed represents a great breed developed by past Japanese breeders. Admitted into the American Standard Perfection in
Buff Cochin
The miniature size and counter parts to the Standard size Cochin chicken. The color varieties of the Cochin Bantam have been admitted to the American Poultry Standard of Perfection from 1874 to 1977. All of these color varieties make excellent pets, show very well, very tame and kid friendly. The Cochin is also known for being very good mothers to baby chicks. The Cochin breed originated in China, known for their gentle disposition and profuse feathering. We currently offer for sale 11 color varieties of the Cochin Bantam.
White Crested Black Polish Bantam
Polish Fowl were imported from Eastern Europe into England and nicknamed "Poland Fowl". A very old domesticated breed of poultry mentioned as early as the sixteenth century. A full crest of feathers grow out of a knob of the skull of the chicken. The Polish breed is noted for one of the beautiful and ornamental breeds, prized exhibition and show fowl, the striking crest of feathers and large cavernous nostrils. The bearded and non-bearded of each variety can be found at shows throughout the United States. Several varieties were admitted to the American Standard of Perfection from 1874 - 1996.
Silver Sebright Bantam
Originated in England in 1810 after 30 years of development by Sir John Sebright. This poultry breed is noted for lack of sickle feathers on the males (both rooster and hen have hen feathers). Also noted for the first specialty club organized (Sebright Bantam Club) in 1815. Admitted into the American Poultry Standard of Perfection in 1874.
Blue Peacock
The male (peacock) Indian Peafowl has iridescent blue-green or green coloured plumage. The so-called "tail" of the peacock, also termed the "train," is not the tail quill feathers but highly elongated upper tail coverts. The train feathers have a series of eyes that are best seen when the tail is fanned. Both species have a crest atop the head.
White Peacock
Angsa Putih
Bulunya berwarna putih dan juga mempuyai horn berwarna kuning
Ayam Selasih
A miniature sized chicken known for their nearly black skin, hair like feathering and fifth toe. They are credited to origination from Japan and China. They are kid friendly, good mothers and one of the most popular breeds at poultry shows. Several varieties are recognized and admitted to the American Poultry Standard of Perfection from 1871 - 1996. We offer for sale 4 color varieties of the Silkie Bantam Breed.
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